Indie Arena
Based in Germany
Founding date:
May, 2013
Press / Business Contact:
no phone
Indie Arena is a community for independent game developers from the German-speaking countries, i.e. Germany, Austria and Switzerland (DACH).
FoundingThe Indie Arena was founded by Jana Reinhardt (Ratking Entertainment) and Martin Nerurkar (Sharkbomb Studios). The two had previously been feeling a need for such a community and joined forces to do something about that. After some public discussion on the topic and the overwhelming interest among the attendees at the A MAZE Berlin 2013 in April there was no way back. In mid-2013 the website and the forum were born and are serving as a beacon for German-speaking indie developers to gather around ever since.
EventsSince its inception, the Indie Arena managed to pull together independent developers from all over the DACH region (and even beyond) for a variety of occasions. During gamescom 2013 the Indie Arena was present with a booth on the show floor, enabling the participating teams to introduce their games to thousands of visitors at the world’s largest gaming expo. Likewise, the attendees of the one Europe’s most established industry gatherings, the Quo Vadis 2014, had a chance to stop by a booth organized through said community. Indie Arena members contributed to the A MAZE Berlin 2014 with a series of talks; some of their games were on public display during the conference, too. There have also been numerous social gatherings during other industry events such as Gamescom, Devmania or GDC.
There are currently no trailers available for Indie Arena. Check back later for more or contact us for specific requests!
There are far more images available for Indie Arena, but these are the ones we felt would be most useful to you. If you have specific requests, please do contact us!
Logo & Icon
Awards & Recognition
Team & Repeating Collaborators
Jana Reinhardt
Co-Founder, Adminstrator
Martin Nerurkar
Co-Founder, Adminstrator
Oliver Eberlei
Web- and Boothbuilder
Julian Dasgupta
presskit() by Rami Ismail (Vlambeer) - also thanks to these fine folks